Webhooks Documentation

Changes from v1.0

  • A new device status catch detected for supported devices has been added. The event trap_triggered notifies of triggered traps. Depending on the device status it's possible to check if it's a false alarm. Newer devices which support the new status change their status to either false triggered or catch detected, older devices keep the status triggered.


traplinked offers webhooks to be notified instantly about different device related events.

Basic User Flow

Currently webhooks can't be setup using the user interface. Please contact us at api@traplinked.com to exchange all the information needed to register a webhook.

Event types

The following table lists all supported event types together with applicable device types.

Name Device types  Description
trap_triggered JERRY, TrapMe A trap has triggered. Supported devices change their status to false triggered or catch detected, other devices follow the previous behavior receiving the status triggered.
catch_detected TrapMe A catch has been detected.
rearmed JERRY, TrapMe A trap was rearmed.
offline JERRY, TOM A device is offline.
online JERRY, TOM A device is back online.
configured JERRY, TOM A device was configured.
maintained JERRY, TOM A device was maintained.
battery_low JERRY, TOM, TrapMe The battery of a device is low.
image_received TOM An image was received.


  • POST requests are used to transmit data.
  • The payload is in JSON format.
  • Responses are expected to be received within a second.
  • No redirects are allowed.

Request Headers

Arbitrary headers can be set for the webhook. Some headers are reserved, besides that headers can be configured as needed.

Generic Headers

The following standard headers are set:

Name Description  Value
User-Agent User agent of the traplinked webhook. traplinked-webhook/v1.1
Content-Type Content type of the request. application/json

traplinked Headers

traplinked specific headers always start with the prefix traplinked-. Currently the following headers exist:

Name Description
traplinked-Version The version of the webhook.
Example: v1.1
traplinked-Request-Timestamp The timestamp when the request was sent.
Example: 2022-01-01T00:00:00
traplinked-HMAC-SHA256 HMAC-SHA256 in hex format.
This header is optional.
Example: 12345678


It's recommended to verify the message using a HMAC. The hash algorithm used is SHA-256. Data is sent in hex format. It's necessary to exchange a secret before this feature can be used. To verify the signature the timestamp from the header is needed. The code is computed for the request timestamp appended to the request body.


Using the secret 12345 and the traplinked-Request-Timestamp 2022-01-01T00:00:00 the resulting HMAC-SHA256 is 12345 if the following request body was sent:


Computation is performed on the concatenation of the request body and the request timestamp:


Request Body

The request body is sent in JSON format containing a single event object which contains the following fields:

Name Description
type The event type as described in event types.
Example: trap_triggered
uuid A unique identifier.
Example: 080c1300-fbfe-4d11-8b86-bdd4ad2d92b4
timestamp Date and time in UTC the event was triggered.
Example: 2022-02-22T20:22:22
data The payload object. See event data for details.

Event data

The content of the event data depends on the event type and the device type of the event. In this version the data object itself consists of a device object. The device object has the following fields.

Name Type Required Description
name String yes Name of the device.
serial_number String yes Serial number of the device. Example: 1A2B3C4D
type Integer yes The device type.
See device type section.
status Integer yes The status of the device.
See device status section.
battery_status Decimal yes Battery status of the device.
A value between 0.0 and 1.0.
transfer_mode Integer yes Connection type.
See transfer mode section for further details.
operation_mode Integer yes Device operation mode.
See operation mode section for further details.
description String no Device description.
last_heartbeat Datetime no Last time the device connected to the server in UTC.
Example: 2022-01-01T00:00:00
latitude Decimal no Latitude of the device.
longitude Decimal no Longitude of the device.
trap_1 Bool no Status of trap_1
true for triggered, false for not triggered
trap_2 Bool no Status of trap_2
true for triggered, false for not triggered
image_timestamp Datetime no Date and time the image was taken in UTC.
Example: 2022-01-01T00:00:00
image_data String no Data URI of the image.
Example: data:image/jpeg;base64,...
Device Type
Type Description
2 TrapMe
Device Status
Status Description
0 Device is inactive.
1 Device is active.
2 Heartbeat failed
3 Device has been triggered.
4 Battery is low.
5 Location mode is active.
6 Unstable Wi-Fi connection
7 Light infestation
8 Severe infestation
9 False triggered
10 Activity warning
11 Activity critical
12 Catch detected
Transfer Mode
Mode Description
0 Wi-Fi
1 LoRa
2 NB-IoT
Operation Modes
Mode Description
0 Snaptrap mode
1 Movement mode
2 Insect mode


    "event": {
        "type": "trap_triggered",
        "uuid": "080c1300-fbfe-4d11-8b86-bdd4ad2d92b4",
        "timestamp": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
        "data": {
            "device": {
                "serial_number": "TESTDEVICE1",
                "name": "TESTDEVICE1",
                "type": 0,
                "description": "",
                "battery_status": 1,
                "status": 3,
                "last_heartbeat": "2022-01-01T00:00:00",
                "transfer_mode": 0,
                "trap_1": true,
                "trap_2": false


A successful response returns a response code between 200 and 299. In case of an error the request is queued. The client will retry the request after one minute for a maximum of 5 times.